• Question: what is the biggest project you have been a part of / leaded?

    Asked by anon-373482 on 9 Nov 2023. This question was also asked by anon-376436.
    • Photo: Cristina Steliana Mihailovici

      Cristina Steliana Mihailovici answered on 9 Nov 2023:

      An international project with around 20 countries involved.

    • Photo: Amina Moss

      Amina Moss answered on 9 Nov 2023:

      So far, I have not been involved in massive projects, as most of the projects I take part in are quite small, with the largest one being a project on red seabream. This was commissioned by a company in Japan, and we fed the fish several types of diet, with different strains of bacteria to see if it has any effect on the fish. The bacterial strains are called probiotics and they are good bacteria to help the fish fight off the bad bacteria. You can find probiotics in some yoghurt, as well.

    • Photo: Karen Edwards

      Karen Edwards answered on 9 Nov 2023:

      My work at the UK Met Office. We were part of a European consortium so worked with other institutions in the UK as well as Europe to develop the ocean models including a phytoplankton model that were run as part of the operational system.

    • Photo: Clemence Fraslin

      Clemence Fraslin answered on 9 Nov 2023:

      I have been involved in two European projects that involved dozen of partners. The first one called Fishboost during my PhD was huge and probably all the research groups working in genetics in aquaculture were involved. It was great, I got to meet lots of scientists from Europe and collaborate with them, that is how I met my new group in the Roslin Institute. The most recent one was called AquaIMPACT, it ended in August and was managed by Finland. Again a great opportunity to collaborate with other countries. So far I’ve not lead anything as I’m still considered too young (not senior enought) but I hope I’ll be in the leading team of new projects in the coming years.

    • Photo: Benedikte Ranum

      Benedikte Ranum answered on 9 Nov 2023:

      I’ve played a minor part in an exciting multi-year project that involved partners from the UK, Norway, the Netherlands, and Japan – looking at creating a digital platform for use on marine fish farms. I’ve also been one of the lead partners in a project where we created a Scottish Pavilion at an event in Norway, which had over 25,000 people from 76 countries attending. That was fantastic!

    • Photo: Mimi Asogwa

      Mimi Asogwa answered on 9 Nov 2023:

      My PhD was the biggest project I led. it was a very exciting and challenging period for me. During that time, I learnt a lot, meet different Scientists, travelled for conferences and training.

    • Photo: Camilla Cassidy

      Camilla Cassidy answered on 9 Nov 2023:

      My PhD research required me to set up over 100 fish tanks full of hundreds of different animals, and maintain them at very precise temperatures and amounts of CO2 (to represent climate change) for 18 months. It took lots of care and attention to keep them all alive to the end, to find out how their behaviour was different after all that time.

    • Photo: Wasseem Emam

      Wasseem Emam answered on 9 Nov 2023:

      An UN project on marine conservation in Southeast Asia

    • Photo: Anton Edwards

      Anton Edwards answered on 9 Nov 2023:

      My biggest project was to lead a team of marine scientists. Their job was to measure how clean the sea is around the coast of Scotland. They also advised people who controlled industries and sewage works that had to put waste in to the sea.

      The team had chemists, biologists, bacteriologists, physicists and mathematicians so my job was interesting. We also had two ships, each with a captain and crew, to carry our scientists around the coast of Scotland.

      But when you lead a team you don’t always tell them what to do or boss them about. It is much more important to know what they do, to encourage them, and to know how it all fits together to protect the sea from pollution.

    • Photo: Claire Argent

      Claire Argent answered on 9 Nov 2023:

      I was part of the team that designated the first marine conservation zones in England. We gathered survey data and proposed which areas should be protected. Although not all of the sites were fully designated, the work I did one 2 sites in Yorkshire were approved. The Holderness Inshore and Runswick Bay Marine Conservation Zones which protect important marine habitats.

    • Photo: Constance Schere

      Constance Schere answered on 10 Nov 2023:

      I’ve been involved on a UK-wide project on protected areas. Our report was submitted to the UK government last year.

    • Photo: Jack Whittle

      Jack Whittle answered on 10 Nov 2023:

      A wind-farm project off the coast of Ireland, I’m still working on it now!

    • Photo: Tanya Riley

      Tanya Riley answered on 10 Nov 2023:

      The largest project I have lead on has been a UK wide project in which we looked at were otters lived. The largest project I have been a part of was to do with look at the impacts of climate change on sea urchins

    • Photo: James Bron

      James Bron answered on 10 Nov 2023:

      I was one of the lead scientists in a very large European project involving 13 countries and 29 different partners, called Parafishcontrol, that aimed to improve control of parasitic diseases of fish. This project allowed academic researchers and industry partners to use the latest scientific techniques to help create new knowledge about important parasites of fish and to develop vaccines, medicines and other tools to reduce fish disease and improve fish health and welfare.

    • Photo: Stephanie Horn

      Stephanie Horn answered on 16 Nov 2023:

      Just now I’m involved with two large scale international projects with multiple partners from countries across the UK, Ireland, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, Norway, Finland, Poland and China.
