• Question: what is ur fav colour

    Asked by anon-372181 on 21 Nov 2023.
    • Photo: Cristina Steliana Mihailovici

      Cristina Steliana Mihailovici answered on 21 Nov 2023:

      greenish blue / emerald

    • Photo: Tanya Riley

      Tanya Riley answered on 21 Nov 2023:

      My favourite colour is purple

    • Photo: Jake Norton

      Jake Norton answered on 21 Nov 2023:

      Blue – How could i choose otherwise as a Leicester City fan!

    • Photo: Karen Edwards

      Karen Edwards answered on 21 Nov 2023:

      Green with yellow a close second.

    • Photo: Tetrienne Kerswell-Box

      Tetrienne Kerswell-Box answered on 21 Nov 2023:

      orange and pink

    • Photo: James Bron

      James Bron answered on 21 Nov 2023:

      Emperor’s (Tyrian) purple – originally the dye was made from the mucus of thousands of Murex sea snails (but it’s much more snail-friendly now….)

    • Photo: Anton Edwards

      Anton Edwards answered on 21 Nov 2023:

      White, because it is made of every other possible colour, as Isaac Newton discovered when he split white light into its parts with his glass prism.

    • Photo: Camilla Cassidy

      Camilla Cassidy answered on 21 Nov 2023:

      I love pink – I never did, when I was younger, but I just bought pink sofas for my house, and most of my clothes are pink too!

    • Photo: Jenny Shepperson

      Jenny Shepperson answered on 22 Nov 2023:

      I’m going to say turqoisey-green… but I don’t think I have particularly strong feelings about a favourite colour!

    • Photo: Arlene Ditchfield

      Arlene Ditchfield answered on 23 Nov 2023:

      Blue, the colour of the sea on a bright sunny day!

    • Photo: Mimi Asogwa

      Mimi Asogwa answered on 23 Nov 2023:


    • Photo: Amina Moss

      Amina Moss answered on 28 Nov 2023:

      Hard to choose one, but I like green and pink
