A thank you from your winner, Jonathan Teague 🏆🎉
Jonathan Teague is the winner of the Marine Zone, after receiving the most votes from students! He wins £500 to spend on more science engagement activities. Here’s what he had to say about his victory:
The winner of the Marine Zone is…
🥇Jonathan Teague
Thanks to all the students, scientists and teachers that have taken part in the Marine Zone!
Throughout the Zone students have been voting for their favourite scientist.
That scientist will win £500 to spend on more STEM engagement.
We are very excited to announce that the winner of the Marine Zone is…
The third weekly winner is…
James Bron
James works on parasites and diseases of fish to improve the health and welfare of wild and farmed fish and to protect the marine environment.
Students get a chance to cast a new vote once per week – choose wisely!
The second weekly winner is…
🥇Tanya Riley
Tanya researches the impact of change on marine life and has rescued many marine mammals.
Students get a chance to cast a new vote once per week – choose wisely!
The first weekly winners are…
🥇Mimi Asogwa and 🥇Jonathan Teague
Mimi analyses water samples for the presence of bacteria and antibiotic resistant bacteria.
Jonathan researches the health of coral reefs using colour and imaging.